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Monday, 3 February 2025

PPSC Assistant Director Local Government (BPS-17) Past Papers 2025 Download MCQs, Study Material & Preparation Tips

PPSC Assistant Director Local Government (BPS-17) Past Papers 2025 Download MCQs, Study Material & Preparation Tips

PPSC Assistant Director Local Government (BPS-17) Past Papers 2025 – Download MCQs & Study Material

Are you preparing for the PPSC Assistant Director Local Government (BS-17) exam? Look no further! Pak MCQs provides comprehensive past papers, solved MCQs, and study material to help you ace your exam🚀.

📌 Key Features of This Guide:

✅ PPSC Past Papers (2025) – Most relevant and updated papers.
✅ MCQs with Answers – Correct answers with explanations.
✅ Legal & Administrative Questions – Based on PPSC, CSS,ETEA,NTS,KPSC and CPC laws.
✅ Exam Preparation Tips – Structured approach for success.

📝 PPSC Assistant Director Past Paper Questions & Answers (2025)

1. Section of CrPC that Deals with Arrest by or in the Presence of a Magistrate


CrPC کے کس سیکشن کے تحت مجسٹریٹ کے سامنے یا اس کی موجودگی میں گرفتاری ہوتی ہے؟

(A) 60
(B) 61
(C) 62
(D) None of these

Answer: (C) 62
📖 Explanation: Section 62 of the Criminal Procedure Code specifies the rules for arrest made in the presence of a Magistrate.

2. Freud's Theory: The "Royal Road to Unconsciousness"

فرائیڈ کے مطابق، لاشعور تک رسائی کا "شاہی راستہ" کون سا ہے؟

(A) Free Association
(B) Analysis of Dreams
(C) Analysis of Transference
(D) None of these

Answer: (B) Analysis of Dreams
📖 Explanation: Freud considered dreams as the "royal road" to understanding unconscious thoughts and desires.

3. Rogers' Core Conditions for Therapeutic Relationship

روجرز کے مطابق، تھراپی کے لیے بنیادی شرائط کیا ہیں؟

(A) Congruence
(B) Empathy
(C) UPR (Unconditional Positive Regard)
(D) All of these

Answer: (D) All of these
📖 Explanation: Carl Rogers emphasized congruence, empathy, and unconditional positive regard as essential for effective therapy.

4. Personality Characteristics and Stress-Related Illness

ایسی شخصیت جو دباؤ سے پیدا ہونے والی بیماریوں کی کم شرح سے منسلک ہے؟

(A) Type A
(B) Type B
(C) Type D
(D) None of these

Answer: (B) Type B
📖 Explanation: Type B personalities are generally more relaxed and less prone to stress-related illnesses compared to Type A.


5. Stages of Stress Response

ایک طالب علم جو دباؤ کے تحت زیادہ مطالعہ کرتا ہے، وہ دباؤ کے کس مرحلے میں ہے؟

(A) Alarm & Mobilization
(B) Resistance
(C) Exhaustion
(D) None of these

Answer: (B) Resistance
📖 Explanation: During the resistance stage, individuals actively cope with stress by mobilizing resources to address challenges.

6. Suicide Prevention and Warning Signs

خودکشی کے بارے میں گفتگو کو وارننگ کے طور پر لینا روک تھام میں کیسے مددگار ہو سکتا ہے؟

(A) Most people who commit suicide share their intentions with others.
(B) It can be altered.
(C) It provides data for study.
(D) None of these.

Answer: (A) Most people who commit suicide share their intentions with others.
📖 Explanation: Open conversations about suicidal thoughts can provide an opportunity for timely intervention and support.

7. Evolutionary Perspective in Psychology

وہ نقطہ نظر جو انسانی ذہنی صلاحیتوں کو ارتقائی مقاصد کے مطابق دیکھتا ہے؟

(A) Cognitive
(B) Evolutionary
(C) Humanistic
(D) None of these

Answer: (B) Evolutionary
📖 Explanation: Evolutionary psychology studies how mental abilities have evolved to solve problems faced by ancestors.

8. Krishna Kumari: First Hindu Dalit Woman Senator in Pakistan

کرشنا کماری، جو پاکستان کی پہلی ہندو دلت خاتون سینیٹر ہیں، کس جماعت کی نمائندگی کرتی ہیں؟


Answer: (A) PPP
📖 Explanation: Krishna Kumari represents the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) and is a symbol of inclusivity in Pakistan’s political landscape.

9. Constitution of Pakistan 1973: Armed Forces and Civil Power

پاکستان کے آئین 1973 کے مطابق مسلح افواج کو شہری طاقت کی مدد کرنے کا اختیار کہاں دیا گیا ہے؟

(A) Article 245
(B) Article 243
(C) Article 200
(D) Article 270

Answer: (A) Article 245
📖 Explanation: Article 245 of the Constitution authorizes the Armed Forces to assist civil authorities whenever required.

10. Kidnapping Under Section 359 of PPC

PPC کے سیکشن 359 کے مطابق اغوا کی کتنی اقسام ہیں؟

(A) Four
(B) Five
(C) Two
(D) None of these

Answer: (C) Two
📖 Explanation: Kidnapping is classified into two types under Section 359: kidnapping from Pakistan and kidnapping from lawful guardianship.

11. Historical Event: Tearing of Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) Letter

حضرت محمد صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کا پیغام کون پھاڑ کر پھینک دیا تھا؟


(A) Khusro Pervaiz
(B) Al-Muqawqas
(C) Najashi
(D) None of these

Answer: (A) Khusro Pervaiz
📖 Explanation: Khusro Pervaiz, the King of Persia, tore the letter sent by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in an act of defiance.

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