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Thursday 17 October 2024

General Knowledge MCQs | NTS General Knowledge MCQs With Answer | Part 49


Pak MCQs Is Educational Website Providing All Types of MCQS  for All Exams and jobs employment test and specially for NTS, ECAT MCAT, CSS, PPSC, ETEA

 NTS General Knowledge MCQs: 

General Knowledge MCQs For Preparation specially for NTS, ECAT MCAT, CSS, PPSC, ETEA ,KPSC, EPPSC, PPSC, , and other test. here you will find General Knowledge  mcqs.

General knowledge MCQs cover a wide range of topics and are essential for NTS tests. This keyword indicates that users are actively seeking these types of questions.General Knowledge for  

These MCQs for All Exams and jobs employment test and specially for MCAT, ECAT and Entry Test and For All Test Preparation(NTS, CSS, PPSC, ETC..). If you are looking General Knowledget MCQs with answer so you are in right place. We have thousands of General Knowledge MCQs Advance and Basic Level MCQs. It is for intermediate and graduate level bio multiple choice question. These of all multiple choice question are helpful in every test preparation. All intermediate and graduate exams MCQs. A great opportunity to improve your skills and perform batter in study. This mcqs will help in you in every science test.  The following all mcqs we have get from reliable source.

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481. Manama is the capital of which country? 

مناما کس ملک کا دارالحکومت ہے؟


482. On which river does Berlin stand? 

برلن کس دریا کے کنارے واقع ہے؟

River Spree. 

483. What type of clock was invented in 1656 by Christian Huygens?

کس قسم کی گھڑی 1656 میں کرسچین ہیوجنز نے ایجاد کی؟

The pendulum clock. 

484. In which desert is the world's driest place? 

دنیا کی خشک ترین جگہ کس صحرا میں ہے؟

Atacama (Chile). 

485. Which is the world's saltiest sea? 

دنیا کا سب سے نمکین سمندر کون سا ہے؟

The Red Sea. 

486. ...... and which is the least salty? 

..اور سب سے کم نمکین کون سا ہے؟

The Baltic Sea. 

487. Which nun won the Nobel prize for peace in 1979? 

کون سی راہبہ نے 1979 میں امن کا نوبل انعام جیتا؟

Mother Teresa. 

488. How many points in the pink ball worth in snooker? 

سنوکر میں گلابی گیند کے کتنے پوائنٹس ہوتے ہیں؟


489. Which scientist was named 'Person of the Century' by Time Magazine? 

کون سے سائنسدان کو ٹائم میگزین نے 'صدی کی شخصیت' کا نام دیا؟

Albert Einstein. 

490. What kind of creature is a monitor? 

مانیٹر کس قسم کی مخلوق ہے؟


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Wednesday 16 October 2024

General Knowledge MCQs | NTS General Knowledge MCQs With Answer | Part 48

Pak MCQs Is Educational Website Providing All Types of MCQS  for All Exams and jobs employment test and specially for NTS, ECAT MCAT, CSS, PPSC, ETEA

 NTS General Knowledge MCQs: 

General Knowledge MCQs For Preparation specially for NTS, ECAT MCAT, CSS, PPSC, ETEA ,KPSC, EPPSC, PPSC, , and other test. here you will find General Knowledge  mcqs.

General knowledge MCQs cover a wide range of topics and are essential for NTS tests. This keyword indicates that users are actively seeking these types of questions.General Knowledge for  

These MCQs for All Exams and jobs employment test and specially for MCAT, ECAT and Entry Test and For All Test Preparation(NTS, CSS, PPSC, ETC..). If you are looking General Knowledget MCQs with answer so you are in right place. We have thousands of General Knowledge MCQs Advance and Basic Level MCQs. It is for intermediate and graduate level bio multiple choice question. These of all multiple choice question are helpful in every test preparation. All intermediate and graduate exams MCQs. A great opportunity to improve your skills and perform batter in study. This mcqs will help in you in every science test.  The following all mcqs we have get from reliable source.

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471. Quantas is the national airline of which country? 

کونٹاس کس ملک کی قومی ایئرلائن ہے؟


472. What in Scotland is the meaning of the prefix ‘Inver’? 

اسکاٹ لینڈ میں 'Inver' کا مطلب کیا ہے؟

River mouth. 

473. Which US state has the lowest population? 

کس امریکی ریاست کی آبادی سب سے کم ہے؟


474. Which county is nicknamed the Garden of England? 

کون سا کاؤنٹی 'گارڈن آف انگلینڈ' کہلاتا ہے؟


475. Which African country was formerly called French Sudan? 

کس افریقی ملک کو پہلے فرنچ سوڈان کہا جاتا تھا؟


476. Which sport was originally called ‘soccer-in-water’?

کون سے کھیل کو اصل میں 'ساکر ان واٹر' کہا جاتا تھا؟ 

Water polo. 

477. Which unit of measurement is derived from the Arabic quirrat, meaning seed?
. کس پیمائش کی اکائی عربی لفظ 'قراط' سے نکلی ہے، جس کا مطلب بیج ہے؟


478. Which Italian city was originally built on seven hills? 

کون سا اطالوی شہر اصل میں سات پہاڑیوں پر بنایا گیا تھا؟


479. What does the acronym NAAFI stand for? 

NAAFI کا مخفف کیا ہے؟

Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes. 

480. Dolomite is an ore of which metal? 

ڈولومائٹ کس دھات کا خام مال ہے؟


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Tuesday 15 October 2024

General Knowledge MCQs | NTS General Knowledge MCQs With Answer | Part 47


Pak MCQs Is Educational Website Providing All Types of MCQS  for All Exams and jobs employment test and specially for NTS, ECAT MCAT, CSS, PPSC, ETEA

 NTS General Knowledge MCQs: 

General Knowledge MCQs For Preparation specially for NTS, ECAT MCAT, CSS, PPSC, ETEA ,KPSC, EPPSC, PPSC, , and other test. here you will find General Knowledge  mcqs.

General knowledge MCQs cover a wide range of topics and are essential for NTS tests. This keyword indicates that users are actively seeking these types of questions.General Knowledge for  

These MCQs for All Exams and jobs employment test and specially for MCAT, ECAT and Entry Test and For All Test Preparation(NTS, CSS, PPSC, ETC..). If you are looking General Knowledget MCQs with answer so you are in right place. We have thousands of General Knowledge MCQs Advance and Basic Level MCQs. It is for intermediate and graduate level bio multiple choice question. These of all multiple choice question are helpful in every test preparation. All intermediate and graduate exams MCQs. A great opportunity to improve your skills and perform batter in study. This mcqs will help in you in every science test.  The following all mcqs we have get from reliable source.

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461. What is the name of the milky fluid obtained from trees which is used to produce

وہ دودھیا مادہ جو درختوں سے حاصل ہوتا ہے اور ربڑ بنانے کے لیے استعمال ہوتا ہے، کیا کہلاتا ہے؟


462. Of what is entymology the study? 

اینٹمولوجی کا مطالعہ کس چیز کا ہے؟


463. Of where is Amman the capital? 

عمان کس جگہ کا دارالحکومت ہے؟


464. How many innings are there for each team in a game of baseball? 

بیس بال کے ایک کھیل میں ہر ٹیم کے کتنے اننگز ہوتے ہیں؟


465. Which is the only mammal with the power of active flight? 

واحد ممالیہ جو فعال پرواز کی صلاحیت رکھتا ہے، کون سا ہے؟


466. Which lower level of clouds are commonly called ‘rain clouds’? 

نیچے کی سطح پر موجود بادل جو عام طور پر 'بارش والے بادل' کہلاتے ہیں، کیا کہلاتے ہیں؟


467. What is the longest river in India? 

ہندوستان کا سب سے لمبا دریا کون سا ہے؟


468. Which metallic element has the property of catching fire if dropped in hot water?

کون سا دھاتی عنصر گرم پانی میں ڈالنے سے آگ پکڑ لیتا ہے؟ 


469. Which month of the year obtains its name from the Latin verb for ‘to open’?

سال کے کس مہینے کا نام لاطینی فعل 'کھلنا' سے نکلا ہے؟


470. On what river does Rome stand?

روم کس دریا کے کنارے واقع ہے؟


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Monday 14 October 2024

General Knowledge MCQs | NTS General Knowledge MCQs With Answer | Part 46


Pak MCQs Is Educational Website Providing All Types of MCQS  for All Exams and jobs employment test and specially for NTS, ECAT MCAT, CSS, PPSC, ETEA

 NTS General Knowledge MCQs: 

General Knowledge MCQs For Preparation specially for NTS, ECAT MCAT, CSS, PPSC, ETEA ,KPSC, EPPSC, PPSC, , and other test. here you will find General Knowledge  mcqs.

General knowledge MCQs cover a wide range of topics and are essential for NTS tests. This keyword indicates that users are actively seeking these types of questions.General Knowledge for  

These MCQs for All Exams and jobs employment test and specially for MCAT, ECAT and Entry Test and For All Test Preparation(NTS, CSS, PPSC, ETC..). If you are looking General Knowledget MCQs with answer so you are in right place. We have thousands of General Knowledge MCQs Advance and Basic Level MCQs. It is for intermediate and graduate level bio multiple choice question. These of all multiple choice question are helpful in every test preparation. All intermediate and graduate exams MCQs. A great opportunity to improve your skills and perform batter in study. This mcqs will help in you in every science test.  The following all mcqs we have get from reliable source.

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451. Which are the highest types of clouds: stratocumulus or cirrus? 

سب سے بلند قسم کے بادل کون سے ہیں: اسٹریٹوکیومولس یا سرس؟


452. Which ancient measure of length was based on the length of the arm from
fingertip to elbow? 

قدیم دور میں بازو کی انگلیوں سے کہنی تک کی لمبائی کو کیا کہا جاتا تھا؟


453. After World War I, Transylvania became part of 

which country?

پہلی عالمی جنگ کے بعد، ٹرانسلوینیا کس ملک کا حصہ بن گیا؟


454. Which sea in Northern Europe is bounded by several countries including Sweden,  

Finland, Poland and Germany? 

شمالی یورپ میں کون سا سمندر سویڈن، فن لینڈ، پولینڈ اور جرمنی جیسے ممالک کے ساتھ سرحد بناتا ہے؟

The Baltic. 

455. A road tunnel runs from Pelerins in France to Entreves in Italy under which  


پیلرینز (فرانس) سے اینٹرویوز (اٹلی) کے درمیان کس پہاڑ کے نیچے سرنگ جاتی ہے؟

Mont Blanc. 

456. The Barents Sea is part of which ocean? 

بارنٹس سی کس سمندر کا حصہ ہے؟


457. Which two countries are either side of the mouth of the River Plate? 

کون سے دو ممالک دریائے پلیٹ کے دہانے کے دونوں طرف ہیں؟

Argentina and Uruguay. 

458. Quicklime is an alkaline powder obtained by strongly heating which other  


چاک کو شدید حرارت دینے سے کون سی الکلائن پاؤڈر حاصل کی جاتی ہے؟


459. What is the longest river solely in England? 

انگلینڈ کا سب سے لمبا دریا کون سا ہے؟


460. The Great Barrier Reef is off coast of which Australian state? 

گریٹ بیریئر ریف آسٹریلیا کی کس ریاست کے ساحل پر ہے؟


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Sunday 13 October 2024

General Knowledge MCQs | NTS General Knowledge MCQs With Answer | Part 45


Pak MCQs Is Educational Website Providing All Types of MCQS  for All Exams and jobs employment test and specially for NTS, ECAT MCAT, CSS, PPSC, ETEA

 NTS General Knowledge MCQs: 

General Knowledge MCQs For Preparation specially for NTS, ECAT MCAT, CSS, PPSC, ETEA ,KPSC, EPPSC, PPSC, , and other test. here you will find General Knowledge  mcqs.

General knowledge MCQs cover a wide range of topics and are essential for NTS tests. This keyword indicates that users are actively seeking these types of questions.General Knowledge for  

These MCQs for All Exams and jobs employment test and specially for MCAT, ECAT and Entry Test and For All Test Preparation(NTS, CSS, PPSC, ETC..). If you are looking General Knowledget MCQs with answer so you are in right place. We have thousands of General Knowledge MCQs Advance and Basic Level MCQs. It is for intermediate and graduate level bio multiple choice question. These of all multiple choice question are helpful in every test preparation. All intermediate and graduate exams MCQs. A great opportunity to improve your skills and perform batter in study. This mcqs will help in you in every science test.  The following all mcqs we have get from reliable source.

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441. In which country is the Great Slave Lake? 

گریٹ سلیو لیک کس ملک میں ہے؟


442. Which six countries border the Black Sea? 

کون سے چھ ممالک بلیک سی کے ساتھ سرحد رکھتے ہیں؟

Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine. 

443. Kathmandu is the capital of which country? 

کھٹمنڈو کس ملک کا دارالحکومت ہے؟


444. What name is given to a mixture of bicarbonate of soda and tartaric acid used in  

کھانے میں استعمال ہونے والے بائکاربونیٹ آف سوڈا اور ٹارٹارک ایسڈ کے مرکب کو کیا نام دیا جاتا ہے؟


Baking powder. 

445. AOL are an internet service provider. What does AOL stand for? 

AOL ایک انٹرنیٹ سروس فراہم کنندہ ہے۔ AOL کا مطلب کیا ہے؟

America Online. 

446. Who discovered penicillin? 

پینسلین کس نے دریافت کی؟

Alexander Fleming. 

447. Which English queen had an extra finger on her hand? 

کس انگریزی ملکہ کے ہاتھ میں ایک اضافی انگلی تھی؟

Anne Boleyn. 

448. Which precious metal has the symbol Pt?

کون سا قیمتی دھات Pt کا علامت ہے؟ 


449. The Gobi desert extends over which two countries? 

گوبی صحرا کن دو ممالک میں پھیلا ہوا ہے؟

China and Mongolia. 

450. Apart from America, which is the only country in the world to which alligators are  


مریکہ کے علاوہ، دنیا کا وہ کون سا ملک ہے جہاں مگرمچھ فطری طور پر پائے جاتے ہیں؟


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Saturday 12 October 2024

General Knowledge MCQs | NTS General Knowledge MCQs With Answer | Part 44

Pak MCQs Is Educational Website Providing All Types of MCQS  for All Exams and jobs employment test and specially for NTS, ECAT MCAT, CSS, PPSC, ETEA

 NTS General Knowledge MCQs: 

General Knowledge MCQs For Preparation specially for NTS, ECAT MCAT, CSS, PPSC, ETEA ,KPSC, EPPSC, PPSC, , and other test. here you will find General Knowledge  mcqs.

General knowledge MCQs cover a wide range of topics and are essential for NTS tests. This keyword indicates that users are actively seeking these types of questions.General Knowledge for  

These MCQs for All Exams and jobs employment test and specially for MCAT, ECAT and Entry Test and For All Test Preparation(NTS, CSS, PPSC, ETC..). If you are looking General Knowledget MCQs with answer so you are in right place. We have thousands of General Knowledge MCQs Advance and Basic Level MCQs. It is for intermediate and graduate level bio multiple choice question. These of all multiple choice question are helpful in every test preparation. All intermediate and graduate exams MCQs. A great opportunity to improve your skills and perform batter in study. This mcqs will help in you in every science test.  The following all mcqs we have get from reliable source.

i hope you like this read and share with other's to help in test preparation for more daily updates like our Facebook Page,Whatsapp Channel,Twitter,  

431. *What, in the 16th and 17th century, was a pavana?

16ویں اور 17ویں صدی میں، 'پوانا' کیا تھا؟  

    A dance.

432. *A nephron is the functional unit of which organ in the human body?

نیفرون انسانی جسم میں کس عضو کا بنیادی حصہ ہے؟ 


433. *In which country is the ancient city of Tarsus?*  

قدیم شہر ترسس کس ملک میں ہے؟


434. *The Khyber Pass links which two countries?

خیبر پاس کن دو ممالک کو ملاتا ہے؟  

    Afghanistan and Pakistan.

435. *Name the six US states that comprise New England.* 

نیو انگلینڈ کے چھ امریکی ریاستوں کے نام بتائیں۔ 

    Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Massachusetts.

436. *Which musical instrument is played by both exhaling and inhaling?

کون سا موسیقی کا آلہ سانس اندر اور باہر لینے سے بجایا جاتا ہے؟

    Harmonica (or mouth organ).

437. *The northern part of which country is called Oesling?

کس ملک کا شمالی حصہ اوسلنگ کہلاتا ہے؟


438. *Napier is a city in which country?

نیپئر کس ملک کا شہر ہے؟  

    New Zealand.

439. *What is the Hook of Holland?

ہک آف ہالینڈ کیا ہے؟

    A port in the southeast Netherlands.

440. *The river Douro forms part of the border between which two countries?*  

\دریائے ڈورو کس دو ممالک کے درمیان سرحد کا حصہ بناتا ہے؟

    Spain and Portugal.

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