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Monday 14 October 2024

General Knowledge MCQs | NTS General Knowledge MCQs With Answer | Part 46


Pak MCQs Is Educational Website Providing All Types of MCQS  for All Exams and jobs employment test and specially for NTS, ECAT MCAT, CSS, PPSC, ETEA

 NTS General Knowledge MCQs: 

General Knowledge MCQs For Preparation specially for NTS, ECAT MCAT, CSS, PPSC, ETEA ,KPSC, EPPSC, PPSC, , and other test. here you will find General Knowledge  mcqs.

General knowledge MCQs cover a wide range of topics and are essential for NTS tests. This keyword indicates that users are actively seeking these types of questions.General Knowledge for  

These MCQs for All Exams and jobs employment test and specially for MCAT, ECAT and Entry Test and For All Test Preparation(NTS, CSS, PPSC, ETC..). If you are looking General Knowledget MCQs with answer so you are in right place. We have thousands of General Knowledge MCQs Advance and Basic Level MCQs. It is for intermediate and graduate level bio multiple choice question. These of all multiple choice question are helpful in every test preparation. All intermediate and graduate exams MCQs. A great opportunity to improve your skills and perform batter in study. This mcqs will help in you in every science test.  The following all mcqs we have get from reliable source.

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451. Which are the highest types of clouds: stratocumulus or cirrus? 

سب سے بلند قسم کے بادل کون سے ہیں: اسٹریٹوکیومولس یا سرس؟


452. Which ancient measure of length was based on the length of the arm from
fingertip to elbow? 

قدیم دور میں بازو کی انگلیوں سے کہنی تک کی لمبائی کو کیا کہا جاتا تھا؟


453. After World War I, Transylvania became part of 

which country?

پہلی عالمی جنگ کے بعد، ٹرانسلوینیا کس ملک کا حصہ بن گیا؟


454. Which sea in Northern Europe is bounded by several countries including Sweden,  

Finland, Poland and Germany? 

شمالی یورپ میں کون سا سمندر سویڈن، فن لینڈ، پولینڈ اور جرمنی جیسے ممالک کے ساتھ سرحد بناتا ہے؟

The Baltic. 

455. A road tunnel runs from Pelerins in France to Entreves in Italy under which  


پیلرینز (فرانس) سے اینٹرویوز (اٹلی) کے درمیان کس پہاڑ کے نیچے سرنگ جاتی ہے؟

Mont Blanc. 

456. The Barents Sea is part of which ocean? 

بارنٹس سی کس سمندر کا حصہ ہے؟


457. Which two countries are either side of the mouth of the River Plate? 

کون سے دو ممالک دریائے پلیٹ کے دہانے کے دونوں طرف ہیں؟

Argentina and Uruguay. 

458. Quicklime is an alkaline powder obtained by strongly heating which other  


چاک کو شدید حرارت دینے سے کون سی الکلائن پاؤڈر حاصل کی جاتی ہے؟


459. What is the longest river solely in England? 

انگلینڈ کا سب سے لمبا دریا کون سا ہے؟


460. The Great Barrier Reef is off coast of which Australian state? 

گریٹ بیریئر ریف آسٹریلیا کی کس ریاست کے ساحل پر ہے؟


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Sunday 13 October 2024

General Knowledge MCQs | NTS General Knowledge MCQs With Answer | Part 45


Pak MCQs Is Educational Website Providing All Types of MCQS  for All Exams and jobs employment test and specially for NTS, ECAT MCAT, CSS, PPSC, ETEA

 NTS General Knowledge MCQs: 

General Knowledge MCQs For Preparation specially for NTS, ECAT MCAT, CSS, PPSC, ETEA ,KPSC, EPPSC, PPSC, , and other test. here you will find General Knowledge  mcqs.

General knowledge MCQs cover a wide range of topics and are essential for NTS tests. This keyword indicates that users are actively seeking these types of questions.General Knowledge for  

These MCQs for All Exams and jobs employment test and specially for MCAT, ECAT and Entry Test and For All Test Preparation(NTS, CSS, PPSC, ETC..). If you are looking General Knowledget MCQs with answer so you are in right place. We have thousands of General Knowledge MCQs Advance and Basic Level MCQs. It is for intermediate and graduate level bio multiple choice question. These of all multiple choice question are helpful in every test preparation. All intermediate and graduate exams MCQs. A great opportunity to improve your skills and perform batter in study. This mcqs will help in you in every science test.  The following all mcqs we have get from reliable source.

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441. In which country is the Great Slave Lake? 

گریٹ سلیو لیک کس ملک میں ہے؟


442. Which six countries border the Black Sea? 

کون سے چھ ممالک بلیک سی کے ساتھ سرحد رکھتے ہیں؟

Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine. 

443. Kathmandu is the capital of which country? 

کھٹمنڈو کس ملک کا دارالحکومت ہے؟


444. What name is given to a mixture of bicarbonate of soda and tartaric acid used in  

کھانے میں استعمال ہونے والے بائکاربونیٹ آف سوڈا اور ٹارٹارک ایسڈ کے مرکب کو کیا نام دیا جاتا ہے؟


Baking powder. 

445. AOL are an internet service provider. What does AOL stand for? 

AOL ایک انٹرنیٹ سروس فراہم کنندہ ہے۔ AOL کا مطلب کیا ہے؟

America Online. 

446. Who discovered penicillin? 

پینسلین کس نے دریافت کی؟

Alexander Fleming. 

447. Which English queen had an extra finger on her hand? 

کس انگریزی ملکہ کے ہاتھ میں ایک اضافی انگلی تھی؟

Anne Boleyn. 

448. Which precious metal has the symbol Pt?

کون سا قیمتی دھات Pt کا علامت ہے؟ 


449. The Gobi desert extends over which two countries? 

گوبی صحرا کن دو ممالک میں پھیلا ہوا ہے؟

China and Mongolia. 

450. Apart from America, which is the only country in the world to which alligators are  


مریکہ کے علاوہ، دنیا کا وہ کون سا ملک ہے جہاں مگرمچھ فطری طور پر پائے جاتے ہیں؟


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Saturday 12 October 2024

General Knowledge MCQs | NTS General Knowledge MCQs With Answer | Part 44

Pak MCQs Is Educational Website Providing All Types of MCQS  for All Exams and jobs employment test and specially for NTS, ECAT MCAT, CSS, PPSC, ETEA

 NTS General Knowledge MCQs: 

General Knowledge MCQs For Preparation specially for NTS, ECAT MCAT, CSS, PPSC, ETEA ,KPSC, EPPSC, PPSC, , and other test. here you will find General Knowledge  mcqs.

General knowledge MCQs cover a wide range of topics and are essential for NTS tests. This keyword indicates that users are actively seeking these types of questions.General Knowledge for  

These MCQs for All Exams and jobs employment test and specially for MCAT, ECAT and Entry Test and For All Test Preparation(NTS, CSS, PPSC, ETC..). If you are looking General Knowledget MCQs with answer so you are in right place. We have thousands of General Knowledge MCQs Advance and Basic Level MCQs. It is for intermediate and graduate level bio multiple choice question. These of all multiple choice question are helpful in every test preparation. All intermediate and graduate exams MCQs. A great opportunity to improve your skills and perform batter in study. This mcqs will help in you in every science test.  The following all mcqs we have get from reliable source.

i hope you like this read and share with other's to help in test preparation for more daily updates like our Facebook Page,Whatsapp Channel,Twitter,  

431. *What, in the 16th and 17th century, was a pavana?

16ویں اور 17ویں صدی میں، 'پوانا' کیا تھا؟  

    A dance.

432. *A nephron is the functional unit of which organ in the human body?

نیفرون انسانی جسم میں کس عضو کا بنیادی حصہ ہے؟ 


433. *In which country is the ancient city of Tarsus?*  

قدیم شہر ترسس کس ملک میں ہے؟


434. *The Khyber Pass links which two countries?

خیبر پاس کن دو ممالک کو ملاتا ہے؟  

    Afghanistan and Pakistan.

435. *Name the six US states that comprise New England.* 

نیو انگلینڈ کے چھ امریکی ریاستوں کے نام بتائیں۔ 

    Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Massachusetts.

436. *Which musical instrument is played by both exhaling and inhaling?

کون سا موسیقی کا آلہ سانس اندر اور باہر لینے سے بجایا جاتا ہے؟

    Harmonica (or mouth organ).

437. *The northern part of which country is called Oesling?

کس ملک کا شمالی حصہ اوسلنگ کہلاتا ہے؟


438. *Napier is a city in which country?

نیپئر کس ملک کا شہر ہے؟  

    New Zealand.

439. *What is the Hook of Holland?

ہک آف ہالینڈ کیا ہے؟

    A port in the southeast Netherlands.

440. *The river Douro forms part of the border between which two countries?*  

\دریائے ڈورو کس دو ممالک کے درمیان سرحد کا حصہ بناتا ہے؟

    Spain and Portugal.

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Thursday 10 October 2024

General Knowledge MCQs | NTS General Knowledge MCQs With Answer | Part 42

Pak MCQs Is Educational Website Providing All Types of MCQS  for All Exams and jobs employment test and specially for NTS, ECAT MCAT, CSS, PPSC, ETEA

 NTS General Knowledge MCQs: 

General Knowledge MCQs For Preparation specially for NTS, ECAT MCAT, CSS, PPSC, ETEA ,KPSC, EPPSC, PPSC, , and other test. here you will find General Knowledge  mcqs.

General knowledge MCQs cover a wide range of topics and are essential for NTS tests. This keyword indicates that users are actively seeking these types of questions.General Knowledge for  

These MCQs for All Exams and jobs employment test and specially for MCAT, ECAT and Entry Test and For All Test Preparation(NTS, CSS, PPSC, ETC..). If you are looking General Knowledget MCQs with answer so you are in right place. We have thousands of General Knowledge MCQs Advance and Basic Level MCQs. It is for intermediate and graduate level bio multiple choice question. These of all multiple choice question are helpful in every test preparation. All intermediate and graduate exams MCQs. A great opportunity to improve your skills and perform batter in study. This mcqs will help in you in every science test.  The following all mcqs we have get from reliable source.

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411. *The river Danube rises in which country?*  

دریا ڈینیوب کس ملک میں اٹھتا ہے؟


412. *Which US state has the sugar maple as its state tree and is the leading US producer of maple sugar?*

کون سی امریکی ریاست کے شوگر میپل کو ریاستی درخت کے طو

ر پر مانا جاتا ہے اور وہ میپل شوگر کی سب سے بڑی امریکی پیداوار کرتی ہے؟  


413. *Which country is nicknamed ‘The Cockpit of Europe’ because of the number of battles throughout history fought on its soil?*

کون سا ملک ‘یورپ کا میدان جنگ’ کہلاتا ہے کیونکہ اس کی زمین پر تاریخ میں متعدد جنگیں لڑی گئیں؟  


414. *What is the capital of Libya?*

لیبیا کا دارالحکومت کیا ہے؟  


415. *Apart from French, German, and Romansch, what is the fourth official language of Switzerland?*  

فرانسیسی، جرمن اور رومانس کے علاوہ، سوئٹزرلینڈ کی چوتھی سرکاری زبان کیا ہے؟


6. *Which country is the world’s largest producer of coffee?*  

دنیا میں کافی کا سب سے بڑا پیداواری ملک کون سا ہے؟


417. *In which city was the world’s first underground train service opened in 1863?* 

دنیا کی پہلی زیر زمین ٹرین سروس کس شہر میں 1863 میں شروع ہوئی؟ 


418. *How many pairs of ribs are there in the human body?* 

انسانی جسم میں کتنے جوڑے پسلیاں ہیں؟ 


419. *Which country is separated from Ethiopia by the Red Sea?*

کون سا ملک بحیرہ احمر کے ذریعے ایتھوپیا سے الگ ہوتا ہے؟  


420. *What is the main port of Italy?*  

اٹلی کی سب سے بڑی بندرگاہ کون سی ہے؟


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Wednesday 9 October 2024

General Knowledge MCQs | NTS General Knowledge MCQs With Answer | Part 43

Pak MCQs Is Educational Website Providing All Types of MCQS  for All Exams and jobs employment test and specially for NTS, ECAT MCAT, CSS, PPSC, ETEA

 NTS General Knowledge MCQs: 

General Knowledge MCQs For Preparation specially for NTS, ECAT MCAT, CSS, PPSC, ETEA ,KPSC, EPPSC, PPSC, , and other test. here you will find General Knowledge  mcqs.

General knowledge MCQs cover a wide range of topics and are essential for NTS tests. This keyword indicates that users are actively seeking these types of questions.General Knowledge for  

These MCQs for All Exams and jobs employment test and specially for MCAT, ECAT and Entry Test and For All Test Preparation(NTS, CSS, PPSC, ETC..). If you are looking General Knowledget MCQs with answer so you are in right place. We have thousands of General Knowledge MCQs Advance and Basic Level MCQs. It is for intermediate and graduate level bio multiple choice question. These of all multiple choice question are helpful in every test preparation. All intermediate and graduate exams MCQs. A great opportunity to improve your skills and perform batter in study. This mcqs will help in you in every science test.  The following all mcqs we have get from reliable source.

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421. *Mount Logan is the highest peak in which country?*

ماؤنٹ لوگان کس ملک کی سب سے بلند چوٹی ہے؟  


422. *In which state is Harvard University?*  

ہارورڈ یونیورسٹی کس ریاست میں ہے؟


423. *Which is larger: Norway or Finland?*  

کون سا بڑا ملک ہے: ناروے یا فن لینڈ؟


424. *Which city was the first capital of the Kingdom of Italy until 1865?*  

\1865 تک اٹلی کی پہلی دارالحکومت کون سا شہر تھا؟


425. *What is measured by an ammeter?*  

ایمیٹر سے کیا ناپا جاتا ہے؟

    Electric current.

426. *What is a rhinoceros horn made of?* 

گینڈے کا سینگ کس چیز سے بنا ہوتا ہے؟ 

    Hair (Keratin).

427. *Which three countries, apart from the former Yugoslavia, share borders with Greece?*  

یوگوسلاویہ کے علاوہ کون سے تین ممالک یونان کی سرحد سے متصل ہیں؟*

    Albania, Bulgaria, Turkey.

428. *The Palk Strait separates which two countries?*  

پالک سٹریٹ کن دو ممالک کو الگ کرتا ہے؟

    India and Sri Lanka.

429. *Ga is the symbol for which element?*  

Ga کس عنصر کا علامتی نشان ہے؟


430. *In the Greek alphabet, what is the name for the letter O?*  

یونانی حروف تہجی میں حرف O کا نام کیا ہے؟


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Tuesday 8 October 2024

Everyday Science MCQs | Everyday Science Pak MCQs | Part 30

  PakMCQs.ORG  Is Educational Website Providing All Types of MCQS  for All Exams and jobs employment test and specially for NTS, ECAT MCAT, CSS, PPSC, ETEA

 NTS Everyday Science MCQs: 

Everyday Science MCQs For Preparation specially for NTS, ECAT MCAT, CSS, PPSC, ETEA ,KPSC, EPPSC, PPSC, , and other test. here you will find Everyday Science  mcqs.

pak mcqs,PAK MCQs,Pak MCQs,Pak MCQs PDF,

Everyday Science MCQs cover a wide range of topics and are essential for NTS tests. This keyword indicates that users are actively seeking these types of questions.Everyday Science for  

These MCQs for All Exams and jobs employment test and specially for MCAT, ECAT and Entry Test and For All Test Preparation(NTS, CSS, PPSC, ETC..). If you are looking Everyday Science  MCQs with answer so you are in right place. We have thousands of General Knowledge MCQs Advance and Basic Level MCQs. It is for intermediate and graduate level bio multiple choice question. These of all multiple choice question are helpful in every test preparation. All intermediate and graduate exams MCQs. A great opportunity to improve your skills and perform batter in study. This mcqs will help in you in every science test.  The following all mcqs we have get from reliable source.

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Q 291:  Combustion cannot take place without __?

Air                                                      دھنکائی (Combustion) بغیر کس چیز کے ممکن نہیں؟

Q 292:  Main constituent in air is?

Nitrogen                                                                   ہوا کا سب سے بڑا جزو کون سا ہے؟

Q 293:  Proteins are made up of __?

Polypeptide                                                                       پروٹین کس چیز سے بنتے ہیں؟

Q 294:  A photocopy machine works on __?

Electrostatic image making                                  ایک فوٹو کاپی مشین کس پر کام کرتی ہے؟

Q 295:  The owl can see most clearly in total darkness because:

الو اندھیرے میں سب سے زیادہ واضح دیکھ سکتا ہے کیونکہ:

It has large eyes with orbs directed forward, giving it binocular sight

Q 296:  The audio signals of TV are __?

Frequency modulated                                              ٹی وی کے آڈیو سگنلز کیا ہوتے ہیں؟

Q 297:  The source of the Sun’s energy is the process of __?

Nuclear fusion                                                   سورج کی توانائی کا ذریعہ کس عمل سے ہے؟

Q 298:  The snow on the mountains does not melt all at once when it is heated by the sun because:

پہاڑوں پر موجود برف ایک ہی وقت میں پگھلتی کیوں نہیں جب اسے سورج سے حرارت ملتی ہے؟

It has a high latent heat of fusion

Q 299:  What is the name of that system, which uses radioactivity to decide the period of materials of the pre-historic period?

       اس نظام کا کیا نام ہے جو تابکاری کا استعمال کرکے ما قبل تاریخ کے دورانیے کا تعین کرتا ہے؟

Carbon dating  

Q 300:  Soap is prepared by boiling caustic soda with __?

Animal fats       صابن کس طرح تیار کیا جاتا ہے؟ کاوسٹک سوڈا کو کس کے ساتھ اُبالا جاتا ہے؟

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