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Monday, 3 March 2025

Communication Skill Assistant (BPS-16) – ETEA Test Preparation Guide

Communication Skill Assistant (BPS-16) – ETEA Test Preparation Guide

Are you preparing for the ETEA Communication Skill Assistant (BPS-16) exam? Look no further! This guide provides comprehensive MCQs, past papers, solved questions, and study materials to help you prepare effectively and boost your chances of success. 🚀

Key Features of This Guide

✅ Latest ETEA Communication Skill Assistant MCQs (Updated for 2025)
✅ Pak MCQs for General Knowledge & Current Affairs
✅ Past Papers with Solutions – Learn from previous exams
✅ Syllabus Breakdown – Understand what to study
✅ Effective Study Tips – Proven strategies for scoring high
✅ Downloadable PDFs – Get past papers in one click

Q81. Which of the following is a digital modulation technique?

درج ذیل میں سے کون سی ڈیجیٹل ماڈیولیشن تکنیک ہے؟

A. PCM (Pulse Code Modulation)
B. PSK (Phase Shift Keying)
C. DM (Delta Modulation)
D. All of the above

✅ Answer: D. All of the above
📝 Explanation: PCM, PSK, and DM are all digital modulation techniques used in various communication systems.

Q82. Which of the following is used to generate Pulse Duration Modulation (PDM)?

پلس ڈوریشن ماڈیولیشن (PDM) پیدا کرنے کے لیے درج ذیل میں سے کون سا سرکٹ استعمال ہوتا ہے؟

A. Free-running multivibrator
B. Monostable multivibrator
C. JK flip-flop
D. Schmitt trigger

✅ Answer: B. Monostable multivibrator
📝 Explanation: A monostable multivibrator generates pulse-duration-modulated signals by varying the width of the pulses.

Q83. SSB (Single Sideband) can be generated by:

 سنگل سائیڈ بینڈ (SSB) درج ذیل طریقوں سے پیدا کی جا سکتی ہے؟

A. Filter method
B. Phase cancellation method
C. Good attenuation characteristics
D. All of the above

✅ Answer: D. All of the above
📝 Explanation: SSB modulation is generated using the filter method, phase cancellation method, and other attenuation techniques.

Q84. A zero-mean white Gaussian noise is passed through an ideal low-pass filter of bandwidth 10 kHz. The output samples obtained would be:

ایک زیرو مین وائٹ گاؤسی noise کو 10 kHz بینڈوڈتھ کے ساتھ ایک آئیڈیل لو پاس فلٹر سے گزارا جاتا ہے۔ حاصل کردہ آؤٹ پٹ سیمپلز ہوں گے:

A. Correlated
B. Statistically independent
C. Uncorrelated
D. Orthogonal

✅ Answer: A. Correlated
📝 Explanation: Filtering white Gaussian noise introduces correlation between adjacent samples due to bandwidth limitation.

Q85. What is the purpose of peak clipper circuits in radio transmitters?

ریڈیو ٹرانسمیٹرز میں پیک کلپر سرکٹس کا کیا مقصد ہوتا ہے؟

A. To prevent overmodulation
B. To reduce bandwidth
C. To increase bandwidth
D. To regulate oscillator input voltage

✅ Answer: A. To prevent overmodulation
📝 Explanation: Peak clipper circuits prevent excessive signal peaks, reducing distortion and preventing overmodulation.

Q86. In a low-level amplitude modulation system, the amplifiers following the modulated stage must be:

کم سطح کے ایمپلیٹیوڈ ماڈیولیشن سسٹم میں، ماڈیولیٹڈ اسٹیج کے بعد کے ایمپلی فائرز ہونے چاہئیں:

A. Class C amplifiers
B. Linear devices
C. Non-linear devices
D. Harmonic devices

✅ Answer: B. Linear devices
📝 Explanation: In low-level AM, amplifiers after the modulator must be linear to avoid signal distortion.

Q87. Under ordinary circumstances, impulse noise can be reduced in:

عام حالات میں، ایمپلس noise کہاں کم کی جا سکتی ہے؟

A. FM only
B. AM only
C. Both AM and FM
D. None of the above

✅ Answer: A. FM only
📝 Explanation: FM is less susceptible to impulse noise due to its frequency deviation and capture effect.

Q88. In frequency modulation, if the modulating voltage remains constant but the modulating frequency is lowered, then:

فریکوئنسی ماڈیولیشن میں، اگر ماڈیولیٹنگ وولٹیج مستقل رہے لیکن ماڈیولیٹنگ فریکوئنسی کم ہو جائے، تو:

A. Amplitude of distant sidebands decreases
B. Amplitude of distant sidebands increases
C. Amplitude of distant sidebands remains constant
D. Amplitude of distant sidebands first increases, then decreases

✅ Answer: B. Amplitude of distant sidebands increases
📝 Explanation: Lower modulating frequency causes an increase in the amplitude of the distant sidebands in FM transmission.

Q89. If sampling is done at the rate of 10 kHz, the required bandwidth is:

اگر سیمپلنگ 10 kHz کی شرح پر کی جائے، تو درکار بینڈوڈتھ ہوگی:

A. 35 kHz
B. 70 kHz
C. 10 kHz
D. 1280 kHz

✅ Answer: B. 70 kHz
📝 Explanation: According to the Nyquist theorem, the bandwidth required is twice the highest frequency, i.e., 2×352 \times 352×35 kHz = 70 kHz.

Q90. Ship-to-ship communication suffers from fading. This can be avoided by using:

جہاز سے جہاز مواصلات میں fading کا سامنا ہوتا ہے۔ اسے درج ذیل میں سے کس طریقے سے روکا جا سکتا ہے؟

A. Space diversity
B. Frequency diversity
C. Broadband antenna
D. Directional antenna

✅ Answer: B. Frequency diversity
📝 Explanation: Frequency diversity helps reduce fading by transmitting signals at multiple frequencies, reducing signal loss.

What is the Syllabus for Communication Skill Assistant (BPS-16) Exam?

The ETEA test for Communication Skill Assistant (BPS-16) includes the following subjects:

📘 English Grammar & Composition
📘 Communication Skills (Verbal & Non-Verbal)
📘 General Knowledge & Current Affairs (Pak MCQs included)
📘 Pakistan Affairs & Islamic Studies
📘 Computer & IT Basics
Understanding these topics will help you focus on important areas and optimize your study time.

How to Prepare for ETEA Exams Effectively?

Here are proven tips to ensure success in the ETEA exam:

✔ Solve Past Papers – Identify frequently asked questions
✔ Practice MCQs Daily – Boost speed & accuracy
✔ Enhance Communication Skills – Work on verbal & non-verbal communication
✔ Improve English Grammar – Focus on sentence correction, vocabulary & tenses
✔ Stay Updated on Current Affairs – Read newspapers & follow news apps (Pak MCQs section)

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✔ Authentic & Updated Content
✔ SEO-Optimized Study Material with Pak MCQs and ETEA Keywords
✔ Easy to Read & Well-Structured
✔ Covers All Syllabus Topics
✔ 100% Exam-Relevant Questions

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