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Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Communication Skill Assistant (BPS-16) – ETEA Test Preparation Guide

 Communication Skill Assistant (BPS-16) – ETEA Test Preparation Guide

Are you preparing for the ETEA Communication Skill Assistant (BPS-16) exam? Look no further! This guide provides comprehensive MCQs, past papers, solved questions, and study materials to help you prepare effectively and boost your chances of success. 🚀

Key Features of This Guide

✅ Latest ETEA Communication Skill Assistant MCQs (Updated for 2025)
✅ Pak MCQs for General Knowledge & Current Affairs
✅ Past Papers with Solutions – Learn from previous exams
✅ Syllabus Breakdown – Understand what to study
✅ Effective Study Tips – Proven strategies for scoring high
✅ Downloadable PDFs – Get past papers in one click

Q41. A ______ indicates the action done by the subject.

 ______ فاعل کے ذریعے کیے گئے عمل کو ظاہر کرتا ہے۔

A. verb
B. adverb
C. noun
D. pronoun

✅ Answer: A. verb
📝 Explanation: Verbs are action words that indicate what the subject is doing.

Q42. A ______ is a word which connects words, phrases, clauses or sentences.

 ______ وہ لفظ ہے جو الفاظ، فقروں، شقوں یا جملوں کو جوڑتا ہے۔

A. preposition
B. conjunction
C. interjection
D. verb

✅ Answer: B. conjunction
📝 Explanation: Conjunctions are used to connect words, phrases, clauses, or sentences.

Q43. During presentation using an OHP, one can read information line by line using an opaque sheet to cover the transparency with a view to minimize distraction. This technology is called

 اوورہیڈ پروجیکٹر (OHP) کے ذریعے پیشکش کے دوران، معلومات کو لائن بہ لائن پڑھنے کے لیے شفافیت کو ڈھانپنے کے لیے ایک اوپیک شیٹ استعمال کی جاتی ہے تاکہ توجہ کی منتقلی کو کم کیا جا سکے۔ اس ٹیکنالوجی کو ______ کہتے ہیں۔

A. positive disclosure
B. zero disclosure
C. negative disclosure
D. progressive disclosure

✅ Answer: D. progressive disclosure
📝 Explanation: Progressive disclosure involves revealing information gradually to keep the audience focused and minimize distractions.

Q44. Another thing that you have to avoid is adding to OHPs with a ______ during a talk.

 ایک اور چیز جس سے آپ کو بچنا چاہیے وہ ہے اوورہیڈ پروجیکٹرز (OHPs) پر ______ کے ساتھ کچھ شامل کرنا۔

A. chalk
B. pencil
C. pen
D. marker

✅ Answer: D. marker
📝 Explanation: Adding to OHPs with a marker during a talk can be distracting and unprofessional.

Q45. It is important to consider proper ______ in the room where you are giving your presentation.

 یہ ضروری ہے کہ جس کمرے میں آپ اپنی پیشکش دے رہے ہیں وہاں مناسب ______ کا خیال رکھا جائے۔

A. darkness
B. lighting
C. lightning
D. ventilation

✅ Answer: B. lighting
📝 Explanation: Proper lighting is crucial for ensuring that the audience can see the presentation clearly and stay engaged.


Q46. Conversational listening means learning through ______.

مکالماتی سننے کا مطلب ______ کے ذریعے سیکھنا ہے۔

A. evaluative
B. appreciative
C. dialogic
D. empathetic

✅ Answer: C. dialogic
📝 Explanation: Dialogic listening involves understanding meaning through active participation in a conversation.

Q47. In listening, the difference between sounds is identified as ______ listening.

سننے میں، آوازوں کے درمیان فرق کو ______ سننے کے طور پر پہچانا جاتا ہے۔

A. discriminative
B. comprehension
C. dialogic
D. empathetic

✅ Answer: A. discriminative
📝 Explanation: Discriminative listening helps distinguish between different sounds, tones, and pitches.

Q48. The symbol for an exclamation mark is ______.

تعجبیہ نشان کی علامت ______ ہے۔

A. ?
B. .
C. ,
D. !

✅ Answer: D. !
📝 Explanation: The exclamation mark (!) is used to express strong emotions, surprise, or commands.

Q49. Evaluative listening is also called ______ listening.

تشخیصی سننے کو ______ سننے بھی کہا جاتا ہے۔

A. therapeutic
B. evaluative
C. dialogic
D. empathetic

✅ Answer: B. evaluative
📝 Explanation: Evaluative listening involves critically analyzing and assessing the message being heard.

Q50. The ______ is the action or description that occurs in the sentence.

جملے میں ہونے والے عمل یا تفصیل کو ______ کہا جاتا ہے۔

A. predicate
B. subject
C. object
D. complement

✅ Answer: A. predicate
📝 Explanation: The predicate of a sentence describes the action performed by the subject.

What is the Syllabus for Communication Skill Assistant (BPS-16) Exam?

The ETEA test for Communication Skill Assistant (BPS-16) includes the following subjects:

📘 English Grammar & Composition
📘 Communication Skills (Verbal & Non-Verbal)
📘 General Knowledge & Current Affairs (Pak MCQs included)
📘 Pakistan Affairs & Islamic Studies
📘 Computer & IT Basics
Understanding these topics will help you focus on important areas and optimize your study time.

How to Prepare for ETEA Exams Effectively?

Here are proven tips to ensure success in the ETEA exam:

✔ Solve Past Papers – Identify frequently asked questions
✔ Practice MCQs Daily – Boost speed & accuracy
✔ Enhance Communication Skills – Work on verbal & non-verbal communication
✔ Improve English Grammar – Focus on sentence correction, vocabulary & tenses
✔ Stay Updated on Current Affairs – Read newspapers & follow news apps (Pak MCQs section)

Download ETEA Communication Skill Assistant Past Papers PDF

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Practicing past papers will help you understand question patterns and improve your time management skills.

Why Choose This Guide?

✔ Authentic & Updated Content
✔ SEO-Optimized Study Material with Pak MCQs and ETEA Keywords
✔ Easy to Read & Well-Structured
✔ Covers All Syllabus Topics
✔ 100% Exam-Relevant Questions

More ETEA Communication Skill Assistant Past Papers & Pak MCQs

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