Communication Skill Assistant (BPS-16) – ETEA Test Preparation Guide
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✅ Latest ETEA Communication Skill Assistant MCQs (Updated for 2025)✅ Pak MCQs for General Knowledge & Current Affairs
✅ Past Papers with Solutions – Learn from previous exams
✅ Syllabus Breakdown – Understand what to study
✅ Effective Study Tips – Proven strategies for scoring high
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Q21. Proper nouns always begin with ______ letters.
مناسب اسم ہمیشہ ______ حروف سے شروع ہوتے ہیں۔
A. running
B. capital
C. small
D. numerical
✅ Answer: B. capital
📝 Explanation: Proper nouns always start with a capital letter, regardless of their position in a sentence.
Q22. ______ nouns require capitalization only if they start the sentence or are part of a title.
______ اسم کو صرف تب بڑے حرف سے لکھا جاتا ہے جب وہ جملے کا آغاز کریں یا کسی عنوان کا حصہ ہوں۔
A. common
B. proper
C. abstract
D. collective
✅ Answer: A. common
📝 Explanation: Common nouns are written in lowercase unless they appear at the beginning of a sentence or in a title.
Q23. Once the message is encoded in a desired format, it is transferred through a medium called ______.
جب پیغام کو مطلوبہ فارمیٹ میں انکوڈ کیا جاتا ہے، تو اسے ______ نامی میڈیم کے ذریعے منتقل کیا جاتا ہے۔
A. channel
B. medium
C. media
D. way
✅ Answer: A. channel
📝 Explanation: The channel is the medium through which a message is transmitted from sender to receiver.
Q24. The nouns which cannot be felt, seen, or heard are called ______.
وہ اسم جو محسوس، دیکھا یا سنا نہیں جا سکتا ______ کہلاتا ہے۔
A. common
B. proper
C. abstract
D. collective
✅ Answer: C. abstract
📝 Explanation: Abstract nouns represent intangible concepts like emotions, ideas, or qualities.
Q25. The information that is transferred to the receiver has to be interpreted; this process is called ______.
وہ معلومات جو وصول کنندہ کو منتقل کی جاتی ہے، اس کی تشریح ضروری ہوتی ہے؛ اس عمل کو ______ کہا جاتا ہے۔
A. encoding
B. decoding
C. opening
D. closing
✅ Answer: B. decoding
📝 Explanation: Decoding is the process of interpreting and understanding the received message.
Q26. All communication events have a ______.
تمام مواصلاتی واقعات میں ایک ______ ہوتا ہے۔
A. resource
B. source
C. start
D. end
✅ Answer: B. source
📝 Explanation: Every communication process begins with a source that initiates the message.
Q27. Personifications of strength and violence are considered ______ gender.
طاقت اور تشدد کی تشبیہات کو ______ جنس تصور کیا جاتا ہے۔
A. masculine
B. feminine
C. common
D. neuter
✅ Answer: A. masculine
📝 Explanation: Strength and violence are traditionally associated with masculinity in language and literature.
Q28. The message may be misinterpreted because of ______.
پیغام غلط سمجھے جانے کا سبب ______ ہو سکتا ہے۔
A. barriers
B. distortions
C. distractions
D. noise
✅ Answer: D. noise
📝 Explanation: Noise includes any interference that disrupts effective communication.
Q29. The environment in which the transmitter or receiver exists should be ______.
جس ماحول میں مرسل یا وصول کنندہ ہوتا ہے وہ ______ ہونا چاہیے۔
A. complex
B. competent
C. complete
D. compatible
✅ Answer: D. compatible
📝 Explanation: A compatible environment ensures clear and effective communication.
Q30. A noun that denotes neither a male nor a female is ______ gender.
وہ اسم جو نہ مذکر ہو اور نہ ہی مؤنث، ______ جنس کہلاتا ہے۔
A. masculine
B. feminine
C. common
D. neuter
✅ Answer: D. neuter
📝 Explanation: Neuter gender refers to nouns that do not indicate any specific gender, such as "table" or "book."
What is the Syllabus for Communication Skill Assistant (BPS-16) Exam?
The ETEA test for Communication Skill Assistant (BPS-16) includes the following subjects:
📘 English Grammar & Composition
📘 Communication Skills (Verbal & Non-Verbal)
📘 General Knowledge & Current Affairs (Pak MCQs included)
📘 Pakistan Affairs & Islamic Studies
📘 Computer & IT Basics
Understanding these topics will help you focus on important areas and optimize your study time.
How to Prepare for ETEA Exams Effectively?
Here are proven tips to ensure success in the ETEA exam:
✔ Solve Past Papers – Identify frequently asked questions
✔ Practice MCQs Daily – Boost speed & accuracy
✔ Enhance Communication Skills – Work on verbal & non-verbal communication
✔ Improve English Grammar – Focus on sentence correction, vocabulary & tenses
✔ Stay Updated on Current Affairs – Read newspapers & follow news apps (Pak MCQs section)
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