Communication Skill Assistant (BPS-16) – ETEA Test Preparation Guide
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✅ Latest ETEA Communication Skill Assistant MCQs (Updated for 2025)✅ Pak MCQs for General Knowledge & Current Affairs
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✅ Syllabus Breakdown – Understand what to study
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Q11. Our dress code is an example of ______ communication.
ہمارا لباس ضابطہ ______ مواصلات کی ایک مثال ہے۔
A. verbal
B. nonverbal
C. written
D. spoken
✅ Answer: B. nonverbal
📝 Explanation: Dress code conveys messages without using words, making it a form of nonverbal communication.
Q12. Communication strengthens ______ relationships in an organization.
مواصلات کسی تنظیم میں ______ تعلقات کو مضبوط بناتا ہے۔
A. employer-father
B. employer-employer
C. mother-employer
D. mother-child
✅ Answer: B. employer-employer
📝 Explanation: Effective communication fosters strong relationships between employers and employees.
Q13. ______ communication includes tone of voice, body language, facial expressions, etc.
______ مواصلات میں آواز کا لہجہ، جسمانی زبان، چہرے کے تاثرات وغیرہ شامل ہوتے ہیں۔
A. nonverbal
B. verbal
C. letter
D. notice
✅ Answer: A. nonverbal
📝 Explanation: Nonverbal communication relies on gestures, expressions, and tone instead of words.
Q14. When there is a similarity of background between the sender and the receiver, such as age, language, nationality, religion, or gender, this is called ______ context.
جب مرسل اور وصول کنندہ کے پس منظر میں عمر، زبان، قومیت، مذہب یا جنس جیسی مماثلت ہو تو اسے ______ سیاق و سباق کہتے ہیں۔
A. social
B. cultural
C. physical
D. dynamic
✅ Answer: B. cultural
📝 Explanation: Cultural context shapes communication through shared beliefs, values, and traditions.
Q15. Letter, e-mail, and telephone are examples of ______.
خط، ای میل، اور ٹیلیفون ______ کی مثالیں ہیں۔
A. message
B. feedback
C. channel
D. encoding
✅ Answer: C. channel
📝 Explanation: A channel is the medium through which messages are transmitted.
Q16. Understanding different parts of speech forms the base of learning grammar.
مختلف اقسام کی تقریر کو سمجھنا گرامر سیکھنے کی بنیاد بناتا ہے۔
A. five
B. eight
C. six
D. seven
✅ Answer: B. eight
📝 Explanation: Grammar consists of eight parts of speech, including nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.
Q17. It is of paramount importance that one needs to construct a ______ sentence in day-to-day affairs.
روزمرہ کے معاملات میں ایک ______ جملہ بنانا انتہائی اہم ہے۔
A. wrong
B. correct
C. incorrect
D. night
✅ Answer: B. correct
📝 Explanation: Clear and correct sentence structure is essential for effective communication.
Q18. A ______ may be defined as the name of a person, place, or thing.
______ کسی شخص، جگہ یا چیز کے نام کے طور پر بیان کیا جا سکتا ہے۔
A. verb
B. noun
C. pronoun
D. adverb
✅ Answer: B. noun
📝 Explanation: A noun is a word that represents a person, place, thing, or idea.
Q19. According to Hoben, communication is the interchange of thought or idea.
ہو بن کے مطابق، مواصلات خیالات یا نظریات کے تبادلے کا نام ہے۔
A. visual
B. audio
C. verbal
D. written
✅ Answer: C. verbal
📝 Explanation: Verbal communication involves spoken words for exchanging ideas.
Q20. The person who transmits the message is called the ______.
جو شخص پیغام پہنچاتا ہے اسے ______ کہا جاتا ہے۔
A. sender
B. giver
C. taker
D. receiver
✅ Answer: A. sender
📝 Explanation: The sender is responsible for initiating and delivering the message.
What is the Syllabus for Communication Skill Assistant (BPS-16) Exam?
The ETEA test for Communication Skill Assistant (BPS-16) includes the following subjects:
📘 English Grammar & Composition
📘 Communication Skills (Verbal & Non-Verbal)
📘 General Knowledge & Current Affairs (Pak MCQs included)
📘 Pakistan Affairs & Islamic Studies
📘 Computer & IT Basics
Understanding these topics will help you focus on important areas and optimize your study time.
How to Prepare for ETEA Exams Effectively?
Here are proven tips to ensure success in the ETEA exam:
✔ Solve Past Papers – Identify frequently asked questions
✔ Practice MCQs Daily – Boost speed & accuracy
✔ Enhance Communication Skills – Work on verbal & non-verbal communication
✔ Improve English Grammar – Focus on sentence correction, vocabulary & tenses
✔ Stay Updated on Current Affairs – Read newspapers & follow news apps (Pak MCQs section)
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