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Saturday, 22 February 2025

Communication Skill Assistant (BPS-16) – ETEA Test Preparation Guide

Communication Skill Assistant (BPS-16) – ETEA Test Preparation Guide

Are you preparing for the ETEA Communication Skill Assistant (BPS-16) exam? Look no further! This guide provides comprehensive MCQs, past papers, solved questions, and study materials to help you prepare effectively and boost your chances of success. 🚀

Key Features of This Guide

✅ Latest ETEA Communication Skill Assistant MCQs (Updated for 2025)
✅ Pak MCQs for General Knowledge & Current Affairs
✅ Past Papers with Solutions – Learn from previous exams
✅ Syllabus Breakdown – Understand what to study
✅ Effective Study Tips – Proven strategies for scoring high
✅ Downloadable PDFs – Get past papers in one click

1. Communication is a non-stop ______.

مواصلات ایک غیر停止 ______ ہے۔

A. paper
B. process
C. programme
D. plan

✅ Answer: B. process
📝 Explanation: Communication is an ongoing process that involves continuous exchange of information.

Q2. Communication is a part of ______ skills.

مواصلات ______ مہارتوں کا ایک حصہ ہے۔

A. soft
B. hard
C. rough
D. short

✅ Answer: A. soft
📝 Explanation: Communication is an essential soft skill used for effective interaction.

Q3. The ______ is the person who transmits the message.

 ______ وہ شخص ہوتا ہے جو پیغام بھیجتا ہے۔

A. receiver
B. driver
C. sender
D. cleaner

✅ Answer: C. sender
📝 Explanation: The sender is responsible for conveying the message to the receiver.

Q4. ______ is the person who notices, decodes, and attaches meaning to a message.

______ وہ شخص ہے جو پیغام کو سمجھتا، اس کا مطلب نکالتا اور اس پر غور کرتا ہے۔

A. receiver
B. driver
C. sender
D. cleaner

✅ Answer: A. receiver
📝 Explanation: The receiver interprets and understands the message sent by the sender.

Q5. Message is any signal that triggers the response of a ______.

 پیغام کوئی بھی اشارہ ہے جو ______ کے ردعمل کو متحرک کرتا ہے۔

A. receiver
B. driver
C. sender
D. cleaner

✅ Answer: A. receiver
📝 Explanation: A message is designed to elicit a response from the receiver.


Q6. The response to a sender’s message is called ______.

مرسل کے پیغام کا ردعمل ______ کہلاتا ہے۔

A. food bank
B. feedback
C. food
D. back

✅ Answer: B. feedback
📝 Explanation: Feedback helps the sender understand whether the message was received correctly.

Q7. ______ context refers to the relationship between the sender and the receiver.

______ سیاق و سباق مرسل اور وصول کنندہ کے درمیان تعلق کو ظاہر کرتا ہے۔

A. social
B. physical
C. cultural
D. chronological

✅ Answer: A. social
📝 Explanation: Social context defines the connection between the sender and the receiver.

Q8. ______ context refers to the similarity of backgrounds between the sender and the receiver.

______ سیاق و سباق مرسل اور وصول کنندہ کے پس منظر کی مماثلت کو ظاہر کرتا ہے۔

A. physical
B. social
C. chronological
D. cultural

✅ Answer: D. cultural
📝 Explanation: Cultural context is based on shared experiences and traditions.

 Q9. ______ refers to all factors that disrupt communication.

______ ان تمام عوامل کو کہتے ہیں جو مواصلات میں رکاوٹ ڈالتے ہیں۔

A. nonsense
B. noise
C. nowhere
D. nobody

✅ Answer: B. noise
📝 Explanation: Noise includes any interference that hinders the communication process.

Q10. Environmental barriers are the same as ______ noise.

ماحولیاتی رکاوٹیں ______ شور کی طرح ہوتی ہیں۔

A. physiological
B. psychological
C. physical
D. sociological

✅ Answer: C. physical
📝 Explanation: Environmental barriers, such as noise and distance, are considered physical noise.

What is the Syllabus for Communication Skill Assistant (BPS-16) Exam?

The ETEA test for Communication Skill Assistant (BPS-16) includes the following subjects:

📘 English Grammar & Composition
📘 Communication Skills (Verbal & Non-Verbal)
📘 General Knowledge & Current Affairs (Pak MCQs included)
📘 Pakistan Affairs & Islamic Studies
📘 Computer & IT Basics
Understanding these topics will help you focus on important areas and optimize your study time.

How to Prepare for ETEA Exams Effectively?

Here are proven tips to ensure success in the ETEA exam:

✔ Solve Past Papers – Identify frequently asked questions
✔ Practice MCQs Daily – Boost speed & accuracy
✔ Enhance Communication Skills – Work on verbal & non-verbal communication
✔ Improve English Grammar – Focus on sentence correction, vocabulary & tenses
✔ Stay Updated on Current Affairs – Read newspapers & follow news apps (Pak MCQs section)

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Practicing past papers will help you understand question patterns and improve your time management skills.

Why Choose This Guide?

✔ Authentic & Updated Content
✔ Study Material with Pak MCQs and ETEA Keywords
✔ Easy to Read & Well-Structured
✔ Covers All Syllabus Topics
✔ 100% Exam-Relevant Questions

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