PPSC JUNIOR CLERK (BS-11) Punjab Revenue Department Past Papers 2024
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81. Among the following Muslim countries, the largest producer of Natural Gas is:
مندرجہ ذیل مسلم ممالک میں سے سب سے زیادہ قدرتی گیس پیدا کرنے والا ملک کون سا ہے؟
(A) Qatar
(B) Turkmenistan
(C) Pakistan
(D) Saudi Arabia
The Answer Is: (A) Qatar
Explanation: Qatar is the largest producer of natural gas among the Muslim countries.
82. What was the proportion of Muslim members proposed for the Imperial Legislative Council in the Lucknow Pact?
لاہور معاہدہ میں امپیریل لیجسلیٹو کونسل کے لیے مسلمانوں کے ارکان کا تناسب کیا تھا؟
The Answer Is: (1/3rd)
Explanation: In the Lucknow Pact (1916), it was proposed that Muslims should be allocated one-third of the seats in the Imperial Legislative Council.
83. The opposite of "amateur" is:
"امچر" کا مخالف کیا ہے؟
(A) Mature
(B) Professional
(C) Unskilled
(D) Trained
The Answer Is: (B) Professional
Explanation: "Amateur" refers to someone who is not a professional in a particular field, so the opposite is "Professional."
84. UNO has failed to grant the right to self-determination to the people of Kashmir though the same right has been given to the people of:
اقوام متحدہ کشمیری عوام کو خود مختاری کا حق دینے میں ناکام رہی ہے، حالانکہ یہی حق دیگر لوگوں کو دیا گیا ہے:
(A) Libya
(B) Bosnia
(C) Israel
(D) Tunisia
The Answer Is: (B) Bosnia
Explanation: The right to self-determination has been granted to the people of Bosnia, but not to Kashmir.
85. Benghazi is a city in:
بینغازی ایک شہر ہے:
(A) Libya
(B) Israel
(C) Algeria
(D) Tunisia
The Answer Is: (A) Libya
Explanation: Benghazi is a city in Libya.
86. In Computer Networking, WAP service is related to:
کمپیوٹر نیٹ ورکنگ میں، WAP سروس سے کیا متعلق ہے؟
(A) Wireless Networking
(B) Wired Networking
(C) Both A and B
(D) None of these
The Answer Is: (A) Wireless Networking
Explanation: WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) is a standard for accessing information over a mobile wireless network.
87. In a one kilometer race A, beats B by 28 meters in 7 seconds. Find out the time taken by A to finish the race.
ایک کلومیٹر کی دوڑ میں A، B کو 28 میٹر 7 سیکنڈ میں ہرا دیتا ہے۔ A کو دوڑ مکمل کرنے میں کتنا وقت لگا؟
The Answer Is: (A) 4 mins 3 secs
Explanation: Given the relative speed of A and B, A finishes the race in 4 minutes and 3 seconds.
88. Who won the Football World Cup in 2014?
2014 کا فٹ بال ورلڈ کپ کس نے جیتا؟
(A) Spain
(B) Germany
(C) Brazil
(D) Netherlands
The Answer Is: (B) Germany
Explanation: Germany won the 2014 FIFA World Cup by defeating Argentina in the final.
89. Which among the following is the odd one out?
مندرجہ ذیل میں سے کون سی چیز الگ ہے؟
(B) Floppy Disc
(C) S.D card
The Answer Is: (D) BIOS
Explanation: CD/DVD, Floppy Disc, and SD card are all storage devices, while BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) is firmware in computers.
90. The system of Zakat had been put into operation by the beginning of:
زکات کا نظام کب سے نافذ کیا گیا؟
(A) Year of Prophethood
(B) Sixth year of the Prophethood
(C) Second year of Hijra
(D) Ninth year of Hijra
The Answer Is: (C) Second year of Hijra
Explanation: The system of Zakat was established in the second year of Hijrah (after the migration of the Prophet).
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