Pakistan Studies
pak mcqs Is Educational Website Providing All Types of MCQS for All Exams and jobs employment test and specially for NTS, ECAT MCAT, CSS, PPSC, ETEA
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Pak Study Mcqs for Preparation specially for NTS, ECAT MCAT, CSS, PPSC, ETEA ,KPSC, EPPSC, PPSC, , and other test. here you will find Pak Study mcqs.
Pak Study MCQs are essential for students preparing for various competitive exams in Pakistan. These multiple-choice questions cover a wide range of topics related to Pakistan's history, geography, culture, and politics. Understanding these MCQs can significantly enhance your knowledge and improve your chances of success in exams like NTS, CSS, and PPSC.
These MCQs for All Exams and jobs employment test and specially for MCAT, ECAT and Entry Test and For All Test Preparation(NTS, CSS, PPSC, ETC..). If you are looking Pak Study with answer so you are in right place. We have thousands of Biology MCQs Advance and Basic Level MCQs. It is for intermediate and graduate level bio multiple choice question. These of all multiple choice question are helpful in every test preparation. All intermediate and graduate exams MCQs. A great opportunity to improve your skills and perform batter in study. This mcqs will help in you in every science test. The following all mcqs we have get from reliable source.
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111: On arival of simon commission Muslim was split into two group one was lead by Muhammad shafee group and other group was lead by
Quiad -e- Azam
112: what documents was firstly drafted to give pace to constitution making process
objective resolution
113: when the constituent assembly passed the objective resolution
12th March 1949
114: who was the Muhammad Ali bogra
Prime Minister Of Pakistan
115: what is the date of tashkent declaration
January 10, 1966
116: highest cold desert in Pakistan Katpana
Katpana Desert
117: joint chiefs of staff committee was created in
March 1976
118: first chairman joint chief of staff committee of Pakistan army was
General Muhammad Shariff
119: the frontier works organization fwo was established
October 31, 1966
120: When did Muhammad Ali Jinnah (the founder of Pakistan) get title “knighthood” ?
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