
Tuesday 14 May 2024

Pedagogy MCQs 2024 Part 2

 11      The Primary Task of The Teacher Is .......

           (A)  To teach the prescribed curriclum

           (B)  To stimulate and guid student learning

           (C) To promote habits of conformity to adult demands and expectation

           (D)  To provide diagnostic and remedial aid wherever indecated

12    Most Important Work of Teacher Is ..........

        (A)   To organize teaching work 

        (B)   To evalute the student

        (C)   To drive Lecture in class

        (D)   To take care of children 

13   Teacher should Present Information To The Student Clearly And In Interesting                 Way,And Relate This New Information To The Things Student.


      (A)   Not Willing to know
      (B)   already know
      (C)   willing to know
      (D)   don't know

14    Which Of The Following Is The Most Important Factor Underlying The Succes Of            Beginning Teacher

        (A)   His presonality and ability to relate to the class 1

        (B)   His Attitude and outlook on lifen

        (C)   His Verbal facility and organisation ability

        (D)   His Scholarship and intellectual ability

15    Which Is The Following Is Most Likely To Be Characterised The Ineffective  Teacher?

        (A)   Emphasis upon standards

        (B)   Emphasis Upon Pupil discussion in the 

        (C)   Emphasis upon the control of the immediate 1

        (D)   Refusel To help children until they have helped themselves

16   Encourages Learner To Become More Self-Directed.

        (A)   Andragogy

        (B)   Pedagogy

        (C)   Heutagogy

        (D)   Cybergogy

17   ...Is Self-Determined Learning.

        (A)   Andragogy

        (B)   Pedagogy

        (C)   Heutagogy

        (D)   All of these

18   Learners Are Problem Finder And Become Interdependent On Those Who Can Help Them Determine The Route.

        (A)   Andragogy

        (B)   Pedagogy

        (C)   Heutagogy

        (D)   All of these

19   Role Of A teacher Is Coach Brings Together Opportunity And Fosters Culture Of Collaboration And Curiosity.

        (A)   Andragogy

        (B)   Pedagogy

        (C)   Heutagogy

        (D)   All of these

20   Learners Are Enquity Driven Take Long Term View Of Their Learning Seeking Further Complexity And Uncertaint.

        (A)   Andragogy

        (B)   Pedagogy

        (C)   Heutagogy

        (D)   All of these

Pedagogy MCQs 2024 Part 1 (01-10)

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                                                                                        Pedagogy MCQs 2024 Part 1 (21-30)

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