
Wednesday 9 December 2015

Pedagogy MCQs Part 9

pedagogy mcqs for all test preparation
81. At the time of partition in 1947, there were __________ universities in working.?
A. 2
B. 5
C. 4
D. 3

82. In our schools and colleges, evaluation of individual readiness for further learning is becoming a common.?
A. Practice
B. Problem
C. Procedure
D. Agenda

83. President of Pakistan is the __________ in case of Federal Universities.?
A. Administrator
B. Rector
C. Incharge
D. Chancellor

84. A quantitative description of experienced data is __________ a measurement.?
A. Particularly
B. Simply
C. Individually
D. None of these

85. At the time of partition in 1947, there were __________ colleges in working.?
A. 40
B. 45
C. 50
D. 55

86. Community health agencies should recognize the importance of the __________ aspect of education.?
A. Learning
B. Virtual
C. Physical
D. Healthy

87. A nervous or shy child cannot obtain the benefit from his __________ experiences.?
A. Personal
B. Social
C. Learning
D. None of these

88. Learning to read is a complex.?
A. Activity
B. Procedure
C. Phenomenon
D. Behavior

89. The obtaining of thought from the written material can be possible through silent.?
A. Planning
B. Practice
C. Reading
D. Learning

90. Vice-Chancellor shall preside at the __________ of the university in the absence of the Chancellor.?
A. Result
B. Convocation
C. Annual day
D. Meeting

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